To start I searched for the garland. There was some expensive options that I wasn't digging, they had garnishments such as berries and holly. I was going for plain and simple. This was in a separate holiday aisle wrapped up like a wreath. 3$, nice find if I do say so my self. As for the words I got some glitter scrapbooking paper, and did them two ways- stenciled and then cut out with scissors and when I didn't like the way that turned out I tried exacto knifing straight out of the stencil. Let me tell you, glitter paper does not cut easily. I think I used alot of muscle for this task. I still do not know which one I preferred. I have "CHEER" and on back up I did also make "MERRY". Nicely enough this only required a few more letters to be made. Win win.
The boxes on the mantle, Dollar Tree, One dollar. Wedding date sign, stays on year round and is green so it fits into the holiday spirit! You may be thinking "Where are their stockings?" Here's the story. Hubby is convinced that if we leave our stockings at our parents homes Santa will still fill them for us. He is so precious. I am less optimistic about this but still going to give it a whirl. What does it hurt? This way we don't have to buy stocking holders until after the season, and hopefully a better deal!
We adore our neice and nephew. They make us happy. So, to get into the spirit of the season we took them on the polar express the day after thanksgiving.The Hood River Railroad does their own rendition on the polar express and the idea caught our eye. We actually got really excited for it. The kids wore PJ's and she even had pig tails. Here we are after the train ride. Don't ask what his face is, he doesn't like to cooperate for pictures on a regular basis.
What would a post be without ending with a themed ending regarding the animals? Last year we thought it would both be cute and tortures for Dweet to wear a Santa hat. He HATED it. The first is the best shot we got of him and I was holding his paws so he wouldn't rip it off immediately. The second is Mr. Dweet this year lounging in the hat. He has learned patience ever since he became a big brother. And then Dude of course is cooperative and adorable posing in front of the tree.
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