While laying awake in the wee hours of the morning due to pregnancy insomnia I was realizing something about my life. I realized some of my best years happen ever 5. This year being one of the examples of a great year. I rang it in with my best of friends Tamsen, we lit Chinese lanterns and wishes of Duck wins and happiness. One of those happened for us. Then we danced the new year in to Elton John.
January doesn't seem particularly memorable to me. I just get older in January. February through March don't spark any particular memories either.
April was eventful. T called and asked if I wished to attend a Garth Brooks concert. Her parents weren't going to use their tickets. I thought sure, I haven't heard him for years but I'll go. When I arrive at her home I learn why her parents weren't attending. Her 29 year old brother had suffered a stroke. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't understand how this could happen. T could barely hold herself together. She was asking her brother's girlfriend to ask the doctor if she needed to fly down to say goodbye to him. Garth Brooks was truly amazing but knowing my dear friend was next to me worrying about the survival rate of her brother made it a bittersweet moment. Luckily, thank goodness, he was okay after a few months of therapy.
May. May begins the epic-ness that was 2015. Another pregnancy side effect is out of control emotions. Just writing the sentence about May brought me to tears.
December 2014 a group of friends were at R & G's apartment talking about a wedding they were going to in Cabo in May. Jokingly we said we should all go together (to Cabo, not the wedding). A few days later we had a time share booked. It started as three couples. Then we invited the singles in our life.
Even though I only went in the ocean water TWICE in a week I had the time of my life. We sat in/by the pool, drank and talked the days away. We made new friends from NYC. It was a truly magical and uplifting time. We also got hella tan, which helps every situation.
The summer months are always my favorite any how, but THESE summer months? I got to spend with some good friends. We hiked, went camping, we hung out, stayed at a beach house, went to concerts and just had glorious times the five of us(M,C,T,J and I).
July is the month I never work a full week. I always have something to do on the weekends and this one did not disappoint. We have Carey family 4th of July camp the first weekend. Super fun time with my nieces and nephew. Then we have our anniversary which ALWAYS brings good times. This year in particular was quite eventful. J and I were laying in bed after perhaps a bit too much bubbly and we were reminiscing about when we first got together 10 long years ago. I mentioned how as a teen beginning a sexual relationship I wanted to make sure we knew what we would do in case of, you know, a mistake happened. Justin refused to respond saying nothing would happen. We decided at that moment we weren't going to have children. We were 17 and naive. I simply stated after that memory that it wouldn't be the end of the world if that event occurred now. He looked at me shocked. We sat with that thought for awhile and kind of talked about how it may be a good idea. Then the text message that will end any conversation "Just and FYI S had a seizure and we are in the emergency room". Thats not a text you take as JUST AN FYI. This is J's friend since 8th grade. We rush to the ER where his parent's and wife are patiently waiting for news. After 3 days in the hospital S has minor surgery to get a heart monitor placed. He was a 27 year old who appeared to have suffered a heart episode. Two heart issues in young men in one year is too much to handle. That really brought the thoughts of "Life is short" to my mind. S too, is okay now. He isn't fully recovered and has ongoing maintenance issues trying to control the episodes.
This leads to the MAJOR life decision hubby and I made that month. Upon many conversations of how having a kiddo would change our lives we decided, after a trip to the doctor to see if it's ok, that we were going to try to conceive. It had been ten years of J and I telling people in our lives we weren't having children. We knew we had to slowly ease our friends and family into the idea. We didn't want people to think our little bean was a mistake. We had the task of telling people we were going to try. It came to a shock and people didn't believe us at first. The doctor told me coming off of 10 years on the pill it could take 6-12 months to conceive to I was counting on having some extra time to adjust to this change. Even though I secretly envied anyone announcing a pregnancy I thought some time would be good.
September 1, 2015 was my third day of heartburn. I thought for sure it was due to a weekend of partying, day drinking and eating really greasy food. I had taken a pregnancy test before indulging that weekend just in case I was pregnant and it had been negative. I didn't think twice about the heartburn until my acupuncturist told me it was a symptom of pregnancy. I got out of a meeting at noon and asked to go home early that day. I couldn't help but be anxious and want to take a test.
The two lines became immediately apparent. There was no denying it. I was pregnant! It was an unbelievable feeling, I couldn't believe it had happened so quickly. Hubby didn't answer his phone when I called him. He texted back "pooping". So I sent him a picture of the test. He responded "OMG" which were pretty much the same words coming out of my mouth. Not in OMG how did this happen but OMG this HAPPENED after three weeks off of the pill.
September C&T moved into their first home and we helped them paint and move. It was ridiculously hard work but so much fun to spend that quality time with such good friends. Those are the times I like to remember. They aren't seemingly things you wish to remember but it really is how you make memories. When I walk into their home I will see where there once was a tic tac toe board on their wall. When I see red rooms I cringe and thing of the two coats of primer and gray paint to get that our of their. I see MS with the tiniest of paint brushed getting into the ceiling crevices to remove the red. Just little things, you know like how songs can trigger memories of specific moments in your life.
October we got to see the baby which we had affectionately named "Squishy". Hubby turned 28. We planned a trip to Hawaii with S & B.
November we were crazy and decided we wanted to move. We had been discussing the idea of changing out the flooring in the house and the need for air conditioning with a little one on the way. We learned about home equity loans and thought about it. What seemed more reasonable was simply to sell this house for a profit, buy something else within our means and use the profit to pay ff a car and student loans. So at 2 months pregnant, extremely exhausted I magic erasered the walls, filled all the nail holes and packed up our home of 5 years. In November we also found out that our bundle of joy was a little bouncing boy. I cried tears of joy when she told me the good news. I told J, "We always get what we want". It felt weird saying it but it felt right. We do good things and get good things in return.
December we found a house we thought was the one, just a little over priced. So we we listed our home as we wanted to add the sale of our home as a contingency in an offer on the new home. We offered below list price to have wiggle room for bargaining and the seller came back at full price. During this we got an offer that was significantly over list price on our home. Of course we joyfully, immediately accepted. We countered again on "The High School House" and they declined as they got a full price offer. Uh oh, our home under contract and no where to go. We feverishly looked for other houses to come on the market to no avail. Looks like we will be moving in with the in-laws.
We also took a beautiful trip to Oahu. We had a private house on someones property two blocks away from a secluded beach. We swam with turtles and he Hawaiian state fish. I won't even try to spell, but I promise you I can pronounce like a local. The boys took surf lessons while we soaked in the sheer beauty that was around us. It was a truly magical place on the north shore.
Even though the year ended with us being homeless I cannot help but this this was the best year of my life. That is thanks to all the love and support I get from my family and friends. There may be few of them but quality is more important than quantity right?