You may feel like I am a crazy person for going to my second class the day after my first class and that is how I felt as well. Even my instructor Ahmad told me I was crazy.
I wasn't immensely sore after my first class so I took the initiative to improve my health and went back within the recommended 24 hours. I suited up in a tank top and shorts and drove the 10 minutes to the Hall Street Studio. I was energized and ready to go. I brought a protein drink to eat afterwards and everything.
Class began and I was nervous. I still didn't understand the breathing exercise but made an attempt. As my head had throbbed the day before I took extreme caution with the back bending. I paid close attention to Ahmad's instruction and pushed myself where possible. He complimented me on my form for just being my second class. I felt pretty good. When it was all over I wasn't in a hurry to get out of the room nor did I feel like death.
I stayed in savasana and absorbed the effects the class had on me. I almost broke out in tears, actually I believe I may have but didn't notice amongst all the sweat. I was so proud of myself for pushing and making it through. This is what I needed and it felt good. This will help me gain control in my life, not only with my body but my mind as well. Ahmad ended the class by telling us to "stay calm and not let anyone piss us off because that means they won" which is totally true. With the practice of any yoga you can self control and awareness.
The feeling of energy and life was running through my body and I wanted to scream with joy. I will return for the third day in a row to see what excellent feeling I can get out of continual practice of Bikram. I may just have found what my life was missing. There is no other gym or place you can go where you get a full body exercise in 90 minutes quite like the experience in a Bikram Yoga class. These classes are not for everyone but I do feel they will be for me. More to come on this crazy journey.
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